Monday, June 23, 2008

It's 12.36am right now. And I'm still not asleep.

Shakur & I couldn't get to sleep. I was too obsessed with different blog shops. So we decided to have a chat.

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:on average, for me to chat with you is 1/10

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:cause most of the time when you're online, you happen not to be there

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:and i ask the song like on friday and today then you reply

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:lol i was busy. actually the first time u talked to me, I was climbing to my bed

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:then i heard the popping sound

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:hahaha

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:you can climb?!

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:but i was lazy to get out of bed, so i thought of replying u the next day

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:so the next morning

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:when u looked for me again, i was preparing to go back to my secondary school

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:so i wanted to reply, but i was rushing for time, so i thought of replying u in the night

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:but when i got back in the night, it was quite late because my family and i went to celebrate my mom's birthday

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:so many reasons

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:hahaha

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:but i believe through your blog

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:YA LA

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:and i'm one of your cute friends

(HELLO! This is so random, idiot! LOL.)

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:bluff you for wad silly arse

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:how honoured i am now

E U N I C E ; C L I C H E D - It's Only When You Lose, Then You Learn To Cherish. - says:see see see cannot compliment someone one, feel proud alr la

[c=#D70000][b]shakur.sykes[/c] Fear and Death in the Wings, in Thrall of Those Fallen From Grace[/b] says:hahaha

He was practically blabbering the whole night about how CUTE he was. *faints*

P/S: I missed the conversations with Mr.Hazwan! I mean the times when we chatted during lessons. Freaking funny and full of *Pukes*/*Grasps*/*Rolls eyes* and stuffs! And how he made fun of me and that "guy". But he's always acting so serious. Duhz.

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