Thursday, October 4, 2007

Take action now and sign the e-petition!


Australia's Coral Sea, near the Great Barrier Reef, is one of the last remaining tropical wilderness areas in the world. But this majestic 'Serengeti of the Sea' faces an uncertain future.
Covering a massive 800,000 square kilometres - more than twice the size of the neighbouring Great Barrier Reef - the Coral Sea comprises a series of spectacular reefs, formed by underwater mountains, rising thousands of metres from the sea floor.

The Coral Sea is a rare example of a marine environment that is thriving.
Globally it is a different story however. Coral reefs are vanishing at a rate 5 times faster than the world's rainforests, and the populations of large marine species - such as sharks and tuna - are estimated to have declined by up to 90% in many areas.

Due to its remoteness, the Coral Sea has largely managed to avoid this fate. But the area is largely unprotected, leaving it vulnerable to the same impacts that have devastated other marine regions, including sea level rises caused by global warming, illegal fishing and the potential for large-scale oil and gas exploration in the region.

WWF is calling on the Australian Government to declare the Coral Sea a "Marine Protected Area", to safeguard this underwater sanctuary for future generations.

But we need your help!

Greg Bourne
CEO, WWF-Australia

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