Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Today, I went to Eugene's house to tutor Cheryl Pang & Albert. Yvonne & Daphnne came along too.

Our plan before was to exercise on Tuesdays & Thursdays. However, knowing that these 2 friends of ours are taking O levels this year, so I decided to tutor them Chemistry.

Taught them about Acids, Bases & Salts. Lessons are quite fun. Can see Albert & Pala making an effort to learn, I'm very happy.

Well, after school, Eugene drove us to MJR to get our testimonials and pick Cheryl up from school as well.

Drove to the hawker centre near Zhi Yang's house to buy porridge because Eugene commented that it was delicious.

While on the car, Yvonne, Cheryl & I camwhore-d! Check out the one in the middle. It's damm COOL! Cheryl was the one who taught us this!

And this is my baby MacPro!

See the advertisement on my blog? I thought of having this phone! However, Daphnne told me it's not as good as I thought.

P/S: Feeling very moody every now and then. At times, I just don't feeling talking to anyone. I don't know why too.

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