Thursday, August 23, 2007

This year is the first time ever that I don't feel in the least excited that my birthday comes in about 2 days time.

Everyone is so hectic and busy over the prelims. I guessed my birthday really comes at the wrong time.

I'm so tired right now even after sleeping for 5 hours nap. Beng and Kai Young stayed at my house because we studied Maths through the night. The one with most determination is Beng. I really like his motivation and i feel great and tremendous sense of satisfaction because after 2-3 hours of teaching him, he finally know how to do logarithms! Even drawing of ln graphs, linear law!

I won't say much anymore, cause I need to work on my A-Maths.

Now with the stress from prelims, my hair dropped even more. Damm

p/s: At least someone still cares about my birthday. (:

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